LCDBG Plans and Reports
State of Louisiana FY 2023 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report
FY 2020 - 2024 Consolidated Plan and Annual Plan Amendments
FY 2024 Method of Distribution
State of Louisiana FY 2022 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report
- FY 2023 Method of Distribution
- Método de distribución para el año fiscal 2023
- Plan de acción anual para el año fiscal 2023 del estado de Luisiana
State of Louisiana FY 2021 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report
State of Louisiana FY 2020 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report
FY 2021 State of Louisiana Annual Action Plan
FY 2020-2024 State of Louisiana Consolidated Plan and FY 2020 Annual Action Plan
- FY 2020 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing, Proposed
- FY 2020 Method of Distribution, Final
- FY 2022 Method of Distribution, Proposed
Memo - October 14, 2022 Citizen Participation Plan Amendment
State of Louisiana Citizen Participation Plan, Amended October 2022
State of Louisiana Citizen Participation Plan
Language Access Plan for Limited English Proficiency Speakers
LCDBG Program Evaluation and Monitoring Plan
Certifications of Consistency for PHAs and NOFAs -
- Memo to Public Housing and Section 8 Agencies
- Certification by State or Local Official of PHA Plans Consistency with the Consolidated Plan or State Consolidated Plan (All PHAs)
- Determination of Public Housing Authority's Consolidated/Annual Plan for Consistency with the State of Louisiana's Consolidated Plan
- Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan (NOFA)
East Baton Rouge Housing Program Policy
Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice -
CDBG Grant Recipients are required to submit to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) certification of affirmatively furthering fair housing. This certification has three elements, which require that entities:
Complete an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice;
Take actions to overcome the effects of any impediments identified through the analysis; and
Maintain records reflecting the analysis and actions taken.
An Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI) is an examination of the impediments or barriers to fair housing that affect protected classes within a geographic region. HUD defines impediments to fair housing choice in terms of their applicability to state and federal law. In Louisiana, this would include:
Any actions, omissions or decisions taken on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability or handicap, familial status, national origin, or religion (protected classes) which restrict housing choices or the availability of housing choice.
Any actions, omissions or decisions which have the effect of restricting housing choices or the availability of housing choice on the basis of the protected classes listed previously.
The AI process involves a thorough examination of a variety of sources related to housing, affirmatively furthering fair housing, the fair housing delivery system and housing transactions, which affect people who are protected under fair housing law. AI sources include census data; home mortgage industry data; federal, state and local housing complaint data; surveys of housing industry experts and stakeholders; and other housing information.
An AI also includes an active and involved public input and review process via direct contact with stakeholders, public forums to collect input from citizens, distribution of draft reports for citizen review and formal presentation of findings.
Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice - State of Louisiana (2020)